Detecting Undefined Behavior Across Foreign Function Boundaries in Rust Programs
Master Project of Julius de Jeu

Project Description

Rust has emerged as the preferred language for building safe and reliable software systems. However, software development rarely involves a single language. It often requires interoperability with legacy systems written in unsafe languages or integration with libraries that do not adhere to Rust’s strict definition of safety. Such interactions can easily undermine Rust’s robust safety guarantees provided by its advanced type system. This project aims to develop solutions that identify external software components violating Rust’s type discipline, which can lead to potential safety issues. By addressing these violations, the proposed solutions would help restore trust in Rust codebases, ensuring they remain as reliable and secure as intended.

Contacts for the Project

Detecting Undefined Behavior Across Foreign Function Boundaries in Rust Programs

Student: Julius de Jeu
Supervisor(s): Jonathan Dönszelmann, Andreea Costea, Jesper Cockx