Hendrik van Antwerpen successfully defended his dissertation Declarative Name Binding for Type System Specifications and was awarded the degree of doctor.
Jasper Denkers successfully defended his dissertation Domain-Specific Languages for Digital Printing Systems and was awarded the degree of doctor.
We are delighted that Andreea Costea will join TU Delft Programming Languages group as assistant professor starting in October, 2024.
From February 2024, Sára Juhošová has joined our group as a PhD student to work on usability and accessibility of interactive theorem provers. Welcome!
Danny Groenewegen successfully defended his dissertation WebDSL: Linguistic Abstractions for Web Programming and was awarded the degree of doctor.
On 8 September 2023, Jeff Smits successfully defended his dissertation Strategic Language Workbench Improvements and was awarded the degree of doctor.
The Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium was held on 5 April 2023: the first anniversary of Eelco’s untimely passing. It brought together more than 130 colleagues from various communities, with presentations of papers on topics related to Eelco’s research and his other academic activities. The proceedings were published online as volume 109 in the Dagstuhl Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs).
Since the start of 2023, Layne Liu has joined our group as a PhD student on the NWO MasCot project on Programming and Validating Software Restructurings. Welcome to the group!
Our dear colleague and friend Eelco Visser passed away on Tuesday 5 April 2022. Eelco was professor and head of the Programming Languages Group (faculty EWI) at TU Delft and an expert in the field of programming language design. He was a highly valued member of the management team of the Software Technology department. Eelco was tenacious, well-informed, and always driven by content. A researcher in heart and soul, who will be greatly missed.
Arjen Rouvoet successfully defended his dissertation Correct by Construction Language Implementations and was awarded the degree of doctor with distinction.
This year we have extended the PL group with many new PhD students. Welcome to Bohdan Liesnikov, Alex Chichigin, Lucas Escot, Aron Zwaan, Luka Miljak, Dennis Sprokholt, and Jaro Reinders. We still have open positions for two PhD students at the moment.
We are delighted that Benedikt Ahrens will join TU Delft Programming Languages group as assistant professor starting September 1, 2021.
We are delighted that Soham Chakraborty will join TU Delft Programming Languages group as assistant professor starting March 1, 2021.
Congratulations to Jesper Cockx for his NWO Veni grant for A Trustworthy and Extensible Core Language for Agda.
NWO has granted our proposal to the MasCot call to work on Programming and Validating Software Restructurings. We will be hiring two PhD students in Delft and one in Eindhoven. PI on the proposal is Eelco Visser. Co-applicants are Casper Bach Poulsen (TU Delft), Jan Friso Groote (TU Eindhoven), and Jeroen Keiren (TU Eindhoven).
Maarten Sijm wins the ACM Student Research Competition at SPLASH 2019 for his work on Incremental Scannerless Generalized LR Parsing.
We are delighted that Jesper Cockx will join TU Delft Programming Languages group as assistant professor starting December 1, 2019.
Jasper Denkers wins best paper and best presentation award at ESEC/FSE 2019 Doctoral Symposium for his paper on “A Longitudinal Field Study on Creation and Use of Domain-Specific Languages in Industry” based on work with/at Océ.
The PL group has an open position for a PhD student in the area of language engineering.
The PL group has an opening for an assistant or associate professor in programming languages (applications are due September 1, 2019)
Congratulations to Casper Bach Poulsen for his NWO Veni grant for Composable and Safe-by-Construction Programming Language Definitions.
Eduardo Amorim successfully defended his dissertation Declarative Syntax Definition for Modern Language Workbenches and was awarded the degree of doctor.
The paper “Scopes and Frames Improve Meta-Interpreter Specialization” by Vlad Vergu, Andrew Tolmach, and Eelco Visser has been accepted at ECOOP 2019.
Oracle donates $100K to support research on Flexible, Composable, and Incremental Compiler Pipelines
Congratulations to Sebastian Erdweg with his new position as Associate Professor at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
The paper “Towards Language-Parametric Semantic Editor Services based on Declarative Type System Specifications” by Daniël Pelsmaeker, Hendrik van Antwerpen, and Eelco Visser has been accepted at ECOOP 2019.
Daco Harkes successfully defended his PhD thesis Declarative Specification of Information System Data Models and Business Logic and was awarded the degree of doctor.
March 7, 2019
- The PL group has a website, including a page with upcoming seminar talks!
February 24, 2019
- Dissertation Daco Harkes available in print
Janary 1, 2019
- Welcome to Casper Bach Poulsen as new assistant professor in the Programming Languages Group.
August 24, 2018
three papers accepted at SLE 2018:
Declarative specification of indentation rules: A tooling perspective on parsing and pretty-printing layout-sensitive languages by Eduardo Amorim, Michael Steindorfer, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser
Migrating custom DSL implementations to a language workbench: An industrial tool demonstration by Jasper Denkers, Louis van Gool, and Eelco Visser
Migrating business logic to an incremental computing DSL: A case study by Daco Harkes, Elmer van Chastelet, and Eelco Visser
August 16, 2018
- Paper Scopes as Types by Hendrik van Antwerpen, Casper Bach Poulsen, Arjen Rouvoet, and Eelco Visser accepted for OOPSLA 2018. The artifact accompanying the paper has also been accepted as Functional and Reusable
July 23, 2018
- The video of Eelco Visser’s talk at Curry On 2018 in Amsterdam is now online
July 18, 2018
- Congratulations to Robbert Krebbers for his NWO Veni grant for Verified programming language interaction
July 6, 2018
- Paper “Specializing a Meta-Interpreter” by Vlad Vergu and Eelco Visser accepted for ManLang 2018
July 5, 2018
- Paper Scopes as Types by Hendrik van Antwerpen, Casper Bach Poulsen, Arjen Rouvoet, and Eelco Visser conditionally accepted for OOPSLA 2018
July 3, 2018
- Paper “Scalable Incremental Building with Dynamic Task Dependencies” by Gabriël Konat, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser accepted for ASE 2018
February 5, 2018
- Paper PIE: A Domain-Specific Language for Interactive Software Development Pipelines by Gabriël Konat, Michael J. Steindorfer, Sebastian Erdweg and Eelco Visser accepted for ‹Programming› 2018
February 5, 2018
- Paper Towards Zero-Overhead Disambiguation of Deep Priority Conflicts by Luís Eduardo de Souza Amorim, Michael J. Steindorfer and Eelco Visser accepted for ‹Programming› 2018
January 1, 2018
- Eelco Visser invited to talk at Curry On 2018 in Amsterdam
December 19, 2017
- Paper PixieDust: Declarative Incremental User Interface Rendering through Static Dependency Tracking by Nick ten Veen, Daco Harkes and Eelco Visser accepted for WWW 2018 track on Web Programming
September 26, 2017
- Paper Intrinsically Typed Definitional Interpreters for Imperative Languages by Casper Bach Poulsen, Arjen Rouvoet, Andrew Tolmach, Robbert Krebbers, and Eelco Visser accepted at POPL 2018 [video] [paper]
August 11, 2017
- Paper “The Semantics of Name Resolution in Grace” by Vlad Vergu and Eelco Visser accepted at DLS 2017
August 4, 2017
- Paper: “Deep Priority Conflicts in the Wild — A Pilot Study” by Eduardo Amorim, Michael Steindorfer, and Eelco Visser accepted at SLE 2017
August 4, 2017
- Paper “FlowSpec: Declarative Dataflow Analysis Specification” by Jeff Smits and Eelco Visser accepted at SLE 2017
July 10, 2017
- Eelco Visser on the OOPSLA 2018 program committee; submission deadline is April 16, 2017; submit interesting papers!
April 26, 2017
- Eelco Visser will give a talk about scope graphs at Curry On 2017 in Barcelona (video)
April 12, 2017
- Paper IceDust 2: Derived Bidirectional Relations and Calculation Strategy Composition with Daco Harkes accepted at ECOOP 2017
March 6, 2017
- Eelco Visser on the Program Committee of ‹Programming› 2018; submit interesting papers!
February 28, 2017
- Eelco Visser lecturing on Declarative Language Definition at the ECOOP 2017 Summer School
December 18, 2016
- Eelco Visser on the PC of ProWeb 2017; submit interesting papers!
October 24, 2016
- Proceedings of SPLASH 2016 available from ACM DL.
September 10, 2016
- Paper Teaching Concepts of Programming Languages with Definitional Interpreters in Scala and the WebLab Learning Management System. An Experience Report to appear at Scala 2016
August 25, 2016
- Paper Bootstrapping domain-specific meta-Languages in language workbenches to appear at GPCE 2016
August 22, 2016
- Paper Principled syntactic code completion using placeholders to appear at SLE 2016
July 8, 2016
- Paper “Software that meets its Intent” to appear at ISoLA 2016
July 6, 2016
- Eelco Visser invited to the program committee of ICSE 2018; submit interesting papers, please!
July 5, 2016
- Presentation Grace in Spoofax: Readable Specification and Implementation in One by Michiel Haise at Grace 2016 workshop in Rome
May 24, 2016
- Robbert Krebbers will join the Programming Languages group as assistant professor in September 2016.
May 17, 2016
- Paper Towards Live Language Development at LIVE 2016 in Rome
April 15, 2016
- Guido Wachsmuth has started in a new position at Oracle Labs Zürich where he has started working on integrating Spoofax and Truffle
April 12, 2016
- Paper IceDust: Incremental and eventual computation of derived values in persistent object graphs accepted at ECOOP 2016
April 4, 2016
- Paper Scopes describe frames: A uniform model for memory layout in dynamic semantics (ECOOP16) accepted at ECOOP 2016
March 11, 2016
- Sebastian Erdweg will join the PL group as assistant professor per April 1, 2016
January 15, 2016
- TU Delft now has an official Programming Languages Group
October 23, 2015
- We are hiring an assistant professor in programming languages
October 21, 2015
September 28, 2015
- Eelco Visser will give a tutorial Declare Your Language (And Run it Too) with the Spoofax Language Workbench at POPL 2016
September 17, 2015
- Technical report: A constraint language for static semantic analysis based on scope graphs
September 7, 2015
- Community survey paper Evaluating and comparing language workbenches. Existing results and benchmarks for the future published in Computer Languages, Systems & Structures journal.
September 5, 2015
August 23, 2015
- SPLASH 2015 poster: Towards a domain-specific content management system for managing large conference websites about
August 10, 2015
- Domain-specific language engineering paper on Hacker News
July 10, 2015
- Technical report on language-independent type-dependent name resolution extending our work on scope graphs.
June 13, 2015
- Declare Your Language a book (in progress) on language definition with the Spoofax Language Workbench.
May 19, 2015
- Eelco Visser will give a hands-on tutorial on language definition with Spoofax at the Summer School on DSL Design and Implementation at EPFL in Lausanne on July 13.
April 15, 2015
- EAPLS Award 2015 (aka ETAPS 2015 Best Paper Award) for A Theory of Name Resolution
April 8, 2015
- Paper DynSem: A DSL for Dynamic Semantics Specification accepted at RTA 2015
March 4, 2015
- Eelco Visser invited to give the keynote talk at the Dynamic Languages Symposium at SPLASH 2015
December 12, 2014
- Paper “A Theory of Name Resolution” accepted at ESOP 2015 (Pre-print)
September 11, 2014
- We have a position for a PhD student in automatic assessment and feeback for online assignments
August 22, 2014
- Eelco Visser will be General Chair of SPLASH 2016
August 3, 2014
- Paper on A language designer’s workbench. A one-stop-shop for implementation and verification of language designs accepted at Onward! 2014
July 1, 2014
- Paper on Unifying and generalizing relations in role-based data modeling and navigation with Daco Harkes accepted at SLE 2014
June 15, 2014
- Eelco Visser Program Chair for the Modularity Visions track of the Modularity 2015 conference.
March 17, 2014
- We are organizing a small Symposium on Language Engineering on the occasion of Markus Völter’s PhD thesis defines on June 18, 2014. Download the flyer.
February 21, 2014
- Markus Völter will defend his PhD thesis on “Generic Tools, Specific Languages” at TU Delft on June 18, 2014
February 19, 2014
- Eelco Visser will give a keynote talk on Separation of Concerns in Language Definition at Modularity 2014 in Lugano
February 10, 2014
- Three Spoofax-related presentations at the upcoming Code Generation 2014 conference: Spoofax in industry, a hands-on tutorial, and our submission to the Language Workbench Challenge workshop.
January 20, 2014
- Recordings of talks of symposium on Future of Programming and Inaugural address online
October 9, 2013
- New paper: Understanding Software through Linguistic Abstraction for special issue of Science of Computer Programming on Software Understanding, on the occasion of Paul Klint’s retirement
October 7, 2013
- Eelco Visser invited to give a keynote talk at the software engineering track of ICT.OPEN 2013
September 10, 2013
- Eelco Visser invited to give a talk at the Workshop on Secure Cloud and Reactive Internet Programming Technology (SCRIPT 2013) on Foundations for tier-less web programming in WebDSL
August 15, 2013
- Eelco Visser will hold his inaugural speech as full professor on January 17, 2014
August 3, 2013
- Two papers accepted at SLE 2013:
July 1, 2013
- We will give a tech talk at SPLASH 2013 on interactive language design with the Spoofax language workbench
June 14, 2013
- Eelco Visser Appointed as Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor
June 2, 2013
- Open postdoc position in semantics engineering (applications due August 15, 2013)
April 30, 2013
- Open PhD position in programming language verification (applications due June 15, 2013)
March 25, 2013
- Spoofax 1.1 released
March 24, 2013
- Paper on Robust Real-Time Synchronization between Textual and Graphical Editors accepted at ICMT 2013
February 20, 2013
- Integration of Data Validation and User Interface Concerns in a DSL for Web Applications published in SoSyM
February 8, 2013
- We will present a tutorial on Declarative Name Binding and Scope Rules at Code Generation 2013
February 5, 2013
February 1, 2013
- Looking for language engineering researchers
- Eelco Visser has been awarded the prestigious NWO VICI grant for The Language Designer’s Workbench; 1,500,000 Euro for language engineering research!