Functional Programming for Big Data Processing

Jan Rellermeyer

Date: Wed, May 12, 2021
Time: 12:00
Room: Eelco's Zoom Room

In this lunch talk, I will discuss the design of my (online) professional education course that is intended to teach people with a background in CS some new skills that they can apply in their daily jobs. Concretely, this course teaches the fundamentals of functional programming who so far mostly only experienced imperative programming styles, connects this with the systems aspects of running code on clusters of machines from a distributed systems point of view, and then introduces the learners to commonly used big data processing systems and how a more functional programming style makes programs more scalable. I can report my experiences working with the Extension School on the course development and implementation and how the first edition of the course turned out last fall. We are scheduled for a re-run in late April and are preparing a few of structural changes based on the lessons learned.

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