A Type Theory for Comprehension Categories with Applications to Subtyping

Niyousha Najmaei

Date: Wed, March 19, 2025
Time: 12:00
Room: building 28, Turing

We develop a type theory that we show is an internal language for comprehension categories. This type theory is closely related to Martin-Löf type theory (MLTT). Indeed, semantics of MLTT are often given in comprehension categories, albeit usually only in discrete or full ones. As we explain, requiring a comprehension category to be full or discrete can be understood as removing one `dimension’ of morphisms. Thus, in our syntax, we recover this extra dimension. We show that this extra dimension can be used to encode subtyping in a natural way. Important instances of non-full comprehension categories include ones used for constructive or univalent intensional models of MLTT and directed type theory, and so our syntax is a more faithful internal language for these than is MLTT.

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