Symposium for Hendrik's PhD Defence
Görel Hedin, Jonathan Dönszelmann, Aron Zwaan
Date: Wed, January 15, 2025
Time: 11:00
Room: Lipksenzaal (36.LB.01.150), Building 36, EEMCS
On the occasion of the PhD defence of Hendrik van Antwerpen, there will be a symposium with some research talks:
- Görel Hedin (professor at Lund University, Sweden), Some Reflections on Scope Graphs and Reference Attribute Grammars
- Jonathan Dönszelmann (lecturer at TU Delft), Name resolution in Rust attributes, how hard can it be?
- Aron Zwaan (PhD student at TU Delft), Scope Graph Schemas: The Concept and its Applications
The defence itself is the same day in the late afternoon.

Declarative Name Binding for Type System Specifications
Hendrik van Antwerpen (TU Delft)
Date: Wed, January 15, 2025
Time: 17:00
Room: Senaatszaal, Auditorium
Note: This is a PhD defence. The candidate's talk starts at 17:00, the public defence starts at 17:30.
Name binding is an integral part of the static semantics of programming languages. Modern languages commonly feature name binding constructs, such as packages, modules, and user‑defined types that are essential to develop and maintain large programs. Static reasoning about name binding is key to support many services offered by modern programming environments, from type checking, to interactive code navigation and automatic refactoring. Formal specification of a programming language is important to understand and reason about the language, as well as to implement it.
| Defence Hendrik van Antwerpen
Hendrik van Antwerpen | Declarative Name Binding for Type System Specifications