Student Research Assistant | Formalization of Mathematics in the UniMath Library of Computer-Checked Proofs
The TU Delft Department of Software Technology has an open position for a student research assistant in the Programming Languages group in the area of Formal Proofs.
Job Description
You contribute to the development of the UniMath library of computer-checked proofs. You work on adding new features and/or improving existing code in one or more of the following ways:
- By developing documentation and examples.
- By removing
from UniMath. - By extending the library by new definitions and theorems.
- By improving the continuous integration.
- By setting up UniMath using CoqJS, a version of Coq that runs in the browser.
- By participating in code reviews of pull requests.
You are enrolled in the Master’s of Computer Science Program at TU Delft and you are familiar with the Coq proof assistant (or another proof assistent). Preferably you are planning to conduct a master’s thesis project in the Programming Languages group.
You are available 4 - 8 hours per week.
Conditions of Employment
You will be employed as a Teaching Assistant with TU Delft for 4 to 8 hours per week for at least three months.
Additional Information
To apply for the position or to get more information, please contact Benedikt Ahrens. In the email describe your motivation for the position and indicate your availability.