Towards an Efficient and Accurate Timing Analysis for Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems
Mitra Nasri
Date: Wed, October 09, 2019
Time: 12:00
With the increasing complexity of software and hardware components used in real-time cyber-physical systems (CPS), the gap between the state-of-the-art timing-analysis research and the state-of-practice in industry is rapidly growing. In this research, I have focused on closing this gap by designing an efficient and accurate formal timing-analysis framework to derive the worst-case response time bounds of real-time CPS. This is done by exploring the space of possible execution scenarios (and schedules) in the presence of uncertainties on the processes’ execution and arrival times. This talk introduces an analysis framework and explain how it can be used to solve complex timing-analysis problems. In this talk, I will also introduce one of our recent works on analyzing the timing behavior of programs written in Timed C programming language using our timing-analysis framework.
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