Instructions for Creating Seminar Pages
A seminar page goes into a file in the /seminar/_posts/
The name of the file should have the form
and its content should have the following structure:
layout: post
title: "Declarative Specification of Information System Data Models and Business Logic"
time: T15:00
room: Aula Conference Centre (building 20), Mekelweg 5, 2628 CC Delft
speaker: Daco Harkes
note: This is a PhD defense. The candidate's talk starts at 14:30.
image: /img/seminar/2019-03-26-daco/DacoHarkes_cover_V0.jpg
category: seminar
tags: [dacoharkes_symposium]
The abstract and further content goes here
The title does not appear correctly
If the title does not appear correctly, try putting the title between double quotes. For example, "Breaking news: this is a title"
. This is especially important if the title contains a colon (:
The time does not appear correctly
If the time doesn’t appear correctly, check that it is written as T10:30
. Something like 10.30
will not work, as it will be interpreted as a number instead of a time.