Distributed system development with ScalaLoci
Guido Salvaneschi
Date: Tue, March 26, 2019
Time: 10:00
Room: EEMCS (building 36), Snijderszaal LB 01.010, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft
Distributed applications are traditionally developed as separate modules, often in different languages, which react to events, like user input, and in turn produce new events for the other modules. Separation into components requires time-consuming integration. Manual implementation of communication forces programmers to deal with low-level details. The combination of the two results in obscure distributed data flows scattered among multiple modules, hindering reasoning about the system as a whole.
The ScalaLoci distributed programming language addresses these issues with a coherent model based on placement types that enables reasoning about distributed data flows, supporting multiple software architectures via dedicated language features and abstracting over low-level communication details and data conversions. As we show, ScalaLoci simplifies developing distributed systems, reduces error-prone communication code and favors early detection of bugs.
Part of the Symposium on Declarative Programming
Görel Hedin, Friedrich Steimann, Guido Salvaneschi, Hendrik van Antwerpen | Symposium Declarative Programming
Friedrich Steimann | ACID for Programmers