Software developed by the TU Delft Programming Languages group.
Language Engineering
- Spoofax: a language workbench providing an IDE for the development of language definitions and the automatic generation of IDEs for defined languages
- SDF3: a modular formalism for syntax definition that integrates lexical and context-free syntax.
- Stratego: a language for the specification of program transformation systems based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies.
- NaBL2: a constraint-based language for definition of type systems
- Statix: a newer constraint-based language for definition of type systems
- FlowSpec: a language for specification of data-flow analysis
Build Systems
- PIE: Pipelines for Interactive Environments
Proof assistants
- Agda: A dependently typed programming language and proof assistant
- Agda2Hs: Translating reasonable Agda to readable Haskell
- UniMath: This Coq library aims to formalize a substantial body of mathematics using the univalent point of view
- Agda Generics: A library for datatype-generic programming in Agda
Verification tools for concurrency
- Fency: A LLVM compiler pass for enforcing robustness of concurrent programs
- Lasagne: A static binary translator for weak memory architectures
Web Programming
- WebDSL: a web programming language
- IceDust: A language for data modeling and incremental computing of derived values
Applications built with WebDSL
- WebLab: an e-learning system for programming education
- conf.researchr: a domain-specific content-management system for conferences
- researchr: a web-based bibliography management system
- EvaTool: course evaluation workflow
- My Study Planning: a tool for study program planning
- YellowGrass: a web-based issue tracker